Monday, November 7, 2011

In search of balance

Pigeon Point place of retreat

I have become painfully aware that in my efforts to live a productive life and work on weight loss I have skewed my life drastically out of balance. I took this last weekend off to do some soul searching and to come up with a plan to get the balance back. Being off kilter hasn't impacted my weight loss goals yet but I can see it quickly becoming a problem...hence I am sharing this with you here.

Part of my soul searching involved making a list of the top 20 things that I like to do and then writing down next to each one how long it has been since I've done them. I had a rude awakening! Here is what I discovered:
  1. Camping...real a tent and cooking on a campfire (so long I can't remember)
  2. Hiking (2 weeks)
  3. Fishing (~27 years)
  4. Swimming (1 week)
  5. Sewing (1 month)
  6. Knitting (1 day)
  7. Playing in rivers (1.5 years)
  8. Outdoor cooking (so long I can't remember)
  9. Nature walks (20 years)
  10. Museums (6 months)
  11. Taking classes (so long I can't remember)
  12. Relaxing in nature (0 days!)
  13. Bowling (6 years)
  14. Jumping rope (20+ years)
  15. Swing dancing (5-6 years)
  16. Jumping in puddles (20 years)
  17. Going down giant slides (20 years)
  18. Riding horses (25+ years)
  19. Painting (7 years)
  20. Baking bread (1 year...real Challah!)
So after the shocking truth trout slap of this list, I have decided to make sure to include these things (plus all the other stuff I love to do like taking pictures, singing, having cooking adventures...) in my regular daily life. No more sitting out the fun stuff because I have to pay the bills or whatever other grown-up reasoning I'll come up with. I mean, I will work, of course, but I will also remember to play. And by play I mean do fun things that I like to do for me! To kick this off I have picked 3 things from my list that I am going to work into my regular schedule. (Drum roll please)
  1. Plan Spring Break camping trip
  2. Bake some challah and share it
  3. Sit outside for 15 minutes every day
Here are some other small things I can do to bring back some joyful balance:
  1. Sing with my church choir
  2. Buy a jump rope (I have one but it's too long)
  3. Take my camera on walks
I will be reporting back next Monday with news on how it all went!!!!