WAHOO!!!! I am 11 pounds lighter than I was on February 9th!!!! I am super happy to have met my 10 pound goal and I am proud of all that I have accomplished over the past 5 weeks. Here are a few of the things that I have done to make this happen:
- Weighed snack foods as soon as I got home and bagged them up in snack bags, then added the points values to my WW web page
- Started taking vitamins daily
- Really planned for meals and made sure to have what I like to eat in the house
- Dealt with the feelings that I had rather than feeding them
- Called friends when I felt like I was going crazy and got their love and support
- Payed attention to the negative conversation in my head and redirected it!!!
- Made awesome affirmation cards for myself
- Gave myself a reward for meeting my weight loss goal (I bought a new dress!!!)
I love that when I tried on my new dress today I was thinking to myself, "You are so cute!!! Check out that waist!!!" I think all of us should have thoughts like that every time we get a new outfit, catch a glimpse of ourselves in a window, or are hanging out with our girlfriends! It really is a great way to feel about yourself. I am really celebrating what I'm doing and sharing it with people. I feel like I have a whole army of people behind me, rooting me on!
Here is the latest on my goals from last week...
- Workout to 2 of the SELF workouts on my iPhone- I did one "Get Sexy Arms" and it was rad and actually fun!
- Lose at least 1lb.- DONE!!!! I lost 1.8lb.
- Find a WW buddy- DONE! Sheelagh from, my meeting, is going to be my official buddy!
- Start working on my weight loss ross cardigan- DONE!!!!! I have read through the directions, learned a new cast-on technique and have knitted the first 14 rows!
- Be strictly accurate with point count- DONE!
- Drink 96oz. water daily- This one was a wash this week...but I'm going to keep working on it and I will master this for sure
- Create affirmation cards- DONE!!!!
Goals for the week of March 16-22:
- Lose 2lb.
- Drink 96oz. water daily
- Work out to 2 SELF workouts- Sculpt Sexy Arms 3/19, 3/21
- Be strictly accurate with point count
- Plan at least 2 treats (The theme this week is "How to avoid deprivation and enjoy what you eat")- Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream & Shortbread Cookie 3/17
- Knit at least 20 more rows on my weight loss reward cardigan (Here's a picture of the finished sweater...my yarn is a lovely cranberry)
That cardigan is GORGEOUS! I love the details on the sleeves!