Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lighter & Celebrating!!!

WAHOO!!!! I am 11 pounds lighter than I was on February 9th!!!! I am super happy to have met my 10 pound goal and I am proud of all that I have accomplished over the past 5 weeks. Here are a few of the things that I have done to make this happen:
  1. Weighed snack foods as soon as I got home and bagged them up in snack bags, then added the points values to my WW web page
  2. Started taking vitamins daily
  3. Really planned for meals and made sure to have what I like to eat in the house
  4. Dealt with the feelings that I had rather than feeding them
  5. Called friends when I felt like I was going crazy and got their love and support
  6. Payed attention to the negative conversation in my head and redirected it!!!
  7. Made awesome affirmation cards for myself
  8. Gave myself a reward for meeting my weight loss goal (I bought a new dress!!!)
I love that when I tried on my new dress today I was thinking to myself, "You are so cute!!! Check out that waist!!!" I think all of us should have thoughts like that every time we get a new outfit, catch a glimpse of ourselves in a window, or are hanging out with our girlfriends! It really is a great way to feel about yourself. I am really celebrating what I'm doing and sharing it with people. I feel like I have a whole army of people behind me, rooting me on!

Here is the latest on my goals from last week...
  1. Workout to 2 of the SELF workouts on my iPhone- I did one "Get Sexy Arms" and it was rad and actually fun!
  2. Lose at least 1lb.- DONE!!!! I lost 1.8lb.
  3. Find a WW buddy- DONE! Sheelagh from, my meeting, is going to be my official buddy!
  4. Start working on my weight loss ross cardigan- DONE!!!!! I have read through the directions, learned a new cast-on technique and have knitted the first 14 rows!
  5. Be strictly accurate with point count- DONE!
  6. Drink 96oz. water daily- This one was a wash this week...but I'm going to keep working on it and I will master this for sure
  7. Create affirmation cards- DONE!!!!
Goals for the week of March 16-22:
  1. Lose 2lb.
  2. Drink 96oz. water daily
  3. Work out to 2 SELF workouts- Sculpt Sexy Arms 3/19, 3/21
  4. Be strictly accurate with point count
  5. Plan at least 2 treats (The theme this week is "How to avoid deprivation and enjoy what you eat")- Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream & Shortbread Cookie 3/17
  6. Knit at least 20 more rows on my weight loss reward cardigan (Here's a picture of the finished yarn is a lovely cranberry)

1 comment:

  1. That cardigan is GORGEOUS! I love the details on the sleeves!
