Wednesday, April 20, 2011

21 Pounds!!!! What?!

It's true ladies and gentlemen!!! I have now lost 21 pounds since February 9th!!!!!!! I nearly fell over when I read the scale. I've been sick this week and haven't been able to exercise at all so I figured I'd maybe lose 1 most...but I totally kicked 3.4 pounds to the curb!!! It turns out that not being able to taste food is helpful to weight loss :) Now don't think that I haven't been eating because I have been. I've been making sure to eat my daily points and I have been drinking loads of water. AND...I'm only 11 pounds from my 10% mark!

A hilarious tidbit about me...I am ridiculously motivated by the little rewards that Weight Watchers gives out. They have this cute key ring thing that you get when you lose 10% and then you get charms to add on to it as you lose 25, 50, 75 & 100 pounds as well as when you've attended 16 weekly meetings and when you achieve your ultimate goal. I am WICKED stoked to get my key ring!!!

I have surprised myself with how much I have missed my walks! I seriously wanted to go walking...snotty face and all...but my friends, who are sensible, talked me out of it! I seriously can't wait to get back into it though! It feels great to stretch my legs and breathe in the fresh air. I have also noticed that my stride has gotten longer and looser. I am remembering what it felt like to walk before my surgery and all of the stuff afterwards. It is liberating!!!

For goals for this week...I'm pretty much going to revive what I had set for this past week...simply because I've been laid up and I want to get my can back out on the sidewalks of San Jose! So here they are:
  1. Lose 1.5 pounds
  2. Walk twice
  3. Replace some under things
  4. Drink at least 64oz. water daily
  5. Use my pedometer daily, walking at least 8,000 steps a day
  6. Be kind to myself daily...and I mean actively thinking kindly about myself
OH DANG! I forgot to write my successes!
  1. I can sit Indian style again (please forgive the non-PC name!)
  2. I got permanent storage boxes for my snacks and labeled them with point values
  3. I tried some new snacks: fruit bars from Target (3 pts....and super tasty) and kettle corn (also 3pts. and super tasty)
  4. Figured out how to track my walks on the world wide web
  5. Found a cool online site where you can virtually walk across the US...sign me up! Webwalking USA

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