Wednesday, September 5, 2012

From Bon Appetit to Backpacker

I've been a bit MIA as of late but today I had a hilarious realization and I wanted to take a moment and share with all of you where I'm at (at the moment) in my journey.

My current magazine pile

A few weeks ago I hit my 100 pound mark at Weight Watchers. I even overshot the 100 pounds to 102 pounds to make my personal total 120 pounds since October 2010! It was a thrilling moment that was unfortunately fleeting. My internal shenanigans started up almost as soon as I stood on the scale and saw the number. I was completely excited and then instantly terrified and convinced that there was no way that I could lose any more weight. My brain went bananas and unfortunately I followed it's completely insane train of thought. After a week of emotional eating I had gained almost 8 pounds. Yup...I'm an overachiever even when it comes to gaining weight!!!! BUT...I was able to catch myself and remember why I'm doing this whole thing and what I need to do to be successful!

This past week I have lost about half of what I gained. (Why does it take so much longer to lose than to gain?! This is one of the mysteries of the world!) I am feeling a bit more sane and am keeping my thoughts in check. I am also going to work on being less extreme with myself. I have no problem going all Extreme Weight Loss Chic and losing 5 pounds in a week but then as soon as that week is over I am exhausted and stressed from all of the effort and feel like I've been deprived. I am working on finding a middle ground so that I will loss weight but still feel like I am not killing myself in the process. I am pretty sure that this will also help my extreme food mood swings stay in check!

And now for the hilarious realization...I have a SERIOUS magazine problem! I LOVE them!!!! I just got the latest issue of Backpacker in the mail today and I tore it open as fast as I could to read all of the amazing tales of outdoor adventure and survival. There was also the sweet bonus of Bear Grylls being the featured  guest editor this month with his own photo spread so that didn't hurt ;) As I was wrapping up the last article in the October issue of Backpacker I realized that I haven't even cracked open my September issue of Bon Appetit. I used to live for my Bon Appetit and Saveur magazines! I would bust them open as fast as I could and then read them over and over again! I could even quote stories and exact issues...I was that into it! But here I am, home with a cold, pouring over my Backpacker magazine and completely ignoring the Bon Appetit. Clearly, my life focus has changed!


  1. What a fun realization! It makes me wonder if, down the road, you'll have your apt full of fitness magazines and the food magazines not even arriving! :)

  2. I doubt that I'll ever be completely without cooking magazines but I am already feeling like paring down on how many I get! :)
